Saturday, June 1, 2013


In our first Adobe Photoshop lesson, the first exercise that our lecturer gave to us was to draw something ABSTRACT. Abstract can be defined as something that is existing in thought or as an idea but not having physical or concrete existence.  We had learnt a few basic skills on how to use Adobe Photoshop such as brush, gradient, smudge, elliptical marquee tool and lasso tool. 

So here it is! My first abstract design. I used black, grey and white as my basic colors because i wanted to create a moody and emotional feel. On the left hand side was the seahorses and i used smudge tool to create swirls so it felt like it is in the water and also to make my drawings smoother.

 Finally, what i really feel about my design is that it portraits the darker side of the underwater world, where the sea creatures are not as beautiful as what we thought. The darker side of the underwater world can be lonely, sad or even competitive as the resources are getting lesser and lesser each day where the sea creatures are fighting with each other for food to survive. Besides, the dark side can be also described as group distinction as every type of sea creature only move in their own group. They do not mix together like how the cartoon we watched when we were young where the Nemo can be friends with other type of fishes in the sea and so on. 

That's all about it for this post! :)

Carmen Too

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