Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Picture by LindaLisa

Have you ever felt lost in life where you totally have no idea which direction to go or even, lost in yourself, where you do not even know who you truly are.

She lays down here with her wings tied and candles that lead nowhere. In the dark mist of a dessert landscape, the shadow holds nothing but her insecurity. She holds herself as she doesn't know what else she can do and fear of something bad will happen to her. Fear, insecurity, hopelessness are portrayed on her face expression. They say eyes are the windows of spirit. She is staring blankly on the floor, thinking of what happened, and eventually loosing hope.

The darkness is threatening her, and she could not help herself but lying down there, wondering when this will be coming to an end, wondering if someone will come and save her.

She heard that the world is beautiful. Her desperations caused her to leave the heaven to see how amazing the world is without taking considerations of the consequences. She was too innocent and trusting and people took advantage of her. Lies. She is never as innocent as before now. The dark side is threatening her thoughts. She felt cheated by the fellow angels, and realized she was never a part of them. The angels were the one who persuaded her to leave the heaven. But there was no turning back.

She regretted for believing her fellow angels, regretted for being so naive and trusting. Out of a sudden, she lost her trust, she lost her true self, she is never who she was anymore. She has lost everything, leaving hatred and insecurity in her soul. She is all by herself now. She will never ever trust anyone who approaches her anymore. She is now a dark angel.


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