Saturday, June 29, 2013

How Technology Affects Human? (Final Project)

The improvement and development of technology has significantly enhanced our lives. It has led to a way easier, better and comfortable life for the people. The rise of technology has improved our daily lives in various ways. One of the significant examples is the advancement of business communication. In this competitive era of borderless business, technologies brought the easiness. Today’s business is entirely dependent on communication where technology plays a very important role. These technologies have become necessity that assisted us to be efficient in global business. With an uprising number of companies exploiting technologies in inventive ways, many companies have been adopting a CTO (Chief Technology Officer) to their executive leadership teams. Various technological tools are being used in today’s business communication. More and more tools are being introduced each day such as internet, teleconference, voicemail, instant messenger and email. All these tools have efficiently enhanced business communication in distinct ways. 

Step ONE:

Draw on a piece of A4 size paper. Scan it into the computer with a resolution of 300 pixels and resize the picture into an A2 size using photoshop.

Step TWO:

Start off by coloring the drawing and be precise on every little detail.


Then, using black and red with gradient tool (select diamond gradient) to create a background.

Step FOUR:

Go to Filter > Stylize > Extrude (Pyramids) to add on effect to the background

Step FIVE:

Cut and paste the drawing on to the background using quick selection tool.

Step SIX:

Draw additional drawings to make the message clearer and scan it into the computer using the same settings


Color the additional drawings


Cut and paste the additional drawings to the primary file. Drag the 'Apps' to make them look like they are being sucked into the background.

Step NINE:

Additional effect to the background.

Filter > Stylize > Tiles, Number of tiles: 10.


Artist Statement:

I portrayed a business man by drawing a man in tuxedo and a briefcase at the side. The man in tuxedo looks formal and successful. Ipad is a media convergence. The man in tuxedo had an Ipad as his face. People nowadays rely on technology all the time. With an Ipad as the man's face is where I perceivd a person who faces and rely too much on Ipad where his face eventually became an 'Ipad face'. On the other side, the apps that surrounding the business man are apps that were most commonly used by a business man. Apps such as shareplus, dropbox, skype, email, etc have brought much convenience to a business man. For example, a dropbox allows a person to immediately share an important file to a person or skype can be used to have a video conference with the clients as well. This artwork aims to show how technology assisted human in a business communication world and how human is attached to technology that it became an essential part of their lives. 


The sketches of my rough ideas: 

Business man with "Ipad face"

Global Communication

Perception of Beauty

Transformation of Buildings

Evolution of Toys

How Medical Technologies Save Lives

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