Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Design Principles and Design Elements Application

This is my drawing using design principles and design elements that I have learnt in class. Lines and shapes like triangles were my design's main elements. Besides, I used black and brown color as the shading of my tree's bottom in order to create tone and tree branch's texture. Then, I used various colors and repetition of triangles. I left some of the triangles blank and some with patterns to create a balance to my design. 

The idea of my tree design came from a spark of inspiration from the texture of a tree. I was thinking of creating a tree that had never existed in this world. This drawing shows a normal tree that started to evolve slowly from the bottom branch and when it reaches the twigs, it broke into different sizes of triangles, just like how a glass break into pieces, symbolizing things like that is impossible to preserve or maintain. Beautiful things as such will never last long just like how a rainbow can never last forever in the sky. 

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