Monday, June 3, 2013

The Elements of Design

1. Line
A line is a form with width and length, but no depth. Line can be considered in two ways. Horizontal lines are calm and quiet whereas vertical lines suggest more of a potential for movement.

2. Shape
Shape is an area that is contained within implied line, or is seen and identified because of color or value changes. Shapes have two dimensions, length and width, and can be geometric or free-form.

3. Direction
All lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability and tranquillity. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Oblique suggests movement and action

4. Size
Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.

5. Texture
Texture refers to the surface quality, both simulated and actual, of artwork. Examples of texture could be rough, smooth, soft hard glossy

6. Color
Color is also called hue. It is divided into three properties, which are primary, secondary and tertiary colors.

7. Value
Value is the relative degree of lightness and darkness in a design element. It is also called tone.


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